The Kultorask has puny damage and none of its abilities work against titans, no wonder it lost.
I suppose it all depends on which abilities and passives you choose which titan will win in a 1 vs 1.
The Kultorask practically stood no chance even though it was at max level. Against fleet of smaller ships, remain to be seen. Funny thing is that I saw two AI players battle it out titan versus titan once (a level 10 Kultorask titan versus a level 8 Eradica titan) and the Eradica actually beat the Kultorask with lots of shields and hitpoints left. Obviously, the Ankylon and Vasari Rebel Kultorask are going to be toughest to take down, Ankylon thanks to it self-repair and Kultorask thanks to its nano-leech powers, the difference will be situational usefulness of the NanoLeech ability, i mean it will work against large fleet and surpass utility of Ankylons Selfrepair, but against static defenses it would be worthless, while Ankylons abilities wont.įirepower-wise the Ragnarov will probably lead the pack, especially against capships thanks to Snipe, i had my Skirantra Carrier destroyed in 3 shots or so, and could not run, as it was firing at pretty fast rate, it was really brutal.